Posted by Rambler in I2P (edited by a moderator )

Do you want to quickly print stats in your terminal, like what is shown below?

Uptime:		5.00/h .20/d
Skew:		-5ms
BW:		11.4 / 17.0KBps
5 Min Avg:	13.9 / 16.9KBps
Lifetime:	18.1 / 19.8KBps
Transferred:	310.75M / 341.31M
Active:		608 / 3943
Fast:		196
High capacity:	724
Integrated:	2898
Unreachable:	1600
Banned:		46
Known:		11786
Clients:	21 / 18
Exploratory:	6 / 10
Part. Tun:	152
Total Tun:	207
Share:		0.98
Job lag:	5ms
Delay:		294ms
RAM:		261 / 768M

Looks good, right? Imagine that in your terminal. If you'd like to be able to quickly reference your I2P / I2P+ router stats, jump on over to:

There you'll find the script in question and just a genuinely good resource and cool site on the I2P network.



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