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Rambler OP wrote (edited )

Ah, hell. Even the only outproxy worth a damn isn't in the default subscription list: purokishi.i2p

I've been advertising this site (ramble.i2p) and getting people to join and check out the I2P network without realizing they can't access this site and suggesting purokishi.i2p as their outproxy when they complain about the slow false.i2p default outproxy without realizing neither are accessible out of the box.

Glad I did a default vanilla install to test something out as a brand new user and realized this.

Is there a reason why you have to do register your domain in different locations to be on different subscription list (and wait days) and why the default one can't just include everything by default? Seems like it'd be a lot more user friendly that way, considering you can spin up a .onion domain in seconds, the same with a Loki or Yggdrasil address.

I like I2P a lot and want to see it grow but I didn't quite realize the shortcomings of the default, vanilla product.

The vanilla help/documentation states:

Speaking of address book updates, this would be a good time to add some more addressbooks to your own subscription list. Go to your Subscriptions Configuration page and add one or more for an automatically updated list of new hosts:

http://stats.i2p/cgi-bin/newhosts.txt (stats.i2p)
http://no.i2p/export/alive-hosts.txt (no.i2p)

Why not just include them by default instead of recommending them? That would add functionality and access out of the box.