Posted by idk admin in I2P (edited by a moderator )

Your attention please:

In the next month, will be drastically changing. This includes hosting, software, and policy changes.


  • Gitea Online Goal Date: Feb 16
  • Gitlab Offline Goal Date: March 16

The time period from Feb 16 to March 16 is the "overlap period" where both services will be running. This is the time to download your repositories, backup your issues and MRs and set up alternative hosting if necessary. I2P team members will be given namespaces on the new server. Since the team is loosely structured and community-based, "team members" is also somewhat loose. Generally, if you contribute code to projects in the i2p-hackers namespace, develop a client library, or filed at least one issue where you included relevant logs, then you'll get a namespace if you ask. If you don't know, ask. As before, new accounts are approved at the discretion of the git admin (me).

Policy Changes

Most notably, will no longer host projects outside of the I2P dev team. If you are hosting projects on, now is the time to move them somewhere else. You have are many options, including self-hosting your own git service.

Hosting Changes

After several years of service, DigitalOcean is no longer a great fit for this git server. We will be moving the server to StormyCloud's VPS infrastructure. StormyCloud will be able to provide us with a more suitable allocation of hardware which is a better fit for git hosting. Thank you to DigitalOcean for the past few years of service and support. Thank you to StormyCloud for your dedication to I2P service and support and your offer to assist during this migration.

Software Changes

With the policy changes comes a a software change as well. We will be migrating from Gitlab to Gitea. Gitea has a much smaller footprint, simpler configuration, and lower maintenance burden than Gitlab. It is also possible to build a modded, self-configuring Gitea for I2P. The in-I2P address of I2P Gitea will be the same as I2P Gitlab, git.idk.i2p

Gitea operation for users is almost identical to gitlab and github. All the ways we use Gitlab (Issues, Merge Requests, Milestones, etc) have one-to-one equivalents in Gitea. There should be no significant learning curve. Gitea is also easier to use without Javascript. In general it should be a better fit for us.

Implications for Users

  • Back up and mirror your repositories before the migration occurs.
  • If you are a regular participant in I2P, I2P+, go-i2p, or i2pd development, your repositories will be allowed after the migration:
    • I can mirror the repositories for you if you wish, or you can do it yourself.
    • I will send you an invitation with a password reset option in order to provide you with a Gitea account.
    • I will send you mirroring instructions along with a script if necessary.

What about CI?

Currently our in-house CI (continuous Integration, aka buildbot) works using Gitlab runners. We also run fairly extensive CI on Github, notably, all Gitlab CI jobs in the i2p.i2p repository are repeated on Github Actions. We will continue to use hosted CI during the transition, and will switch to another CI tool (likely for in-house CI.



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