Posted by z3d in I2P (edited )

I2P+ is an enhanced version of I2P that aims to deliver a superior user experience. Updated themes, easier to understand configuration and diagnostics, and an enhanced feature set make I2P+ a compelling alternative to the official I2P release. Additionally, I2P+ implements improvements to the router s network performance and, for routers that are firewalled, can significantly increase participating traffic and network responsiveness.

Is I2P+ compatible with I2P?

The changes relate to user interaction and enhanced presentation of the console and webapps, in addition to network performance improvements, leaving the underyling crypto untouched, so it remains 100% compatible with I2P. On the network, an I2P+ router will identify as a normal I2P router. Updating from I2P to I2P+, or from I2P+ to I2P, is as simple as providing the router with the relevant update file and restarting.


If you re running a manually installed version of I2P (from the Java installer, not the Easy Installer Bundle, nor a Linux repository or .deb file), updating is as simple as dropping the file into your I2P application folder and restarting the router. Note: Do not extract the zip file, simply copy it to the I2P application folder and restart I2P... I2P will extract the zip automatically and update. (Java 1.8 or later required). For information about migrating from a repo or .deb install, visit the I2P+ site linked below.

To enable updates for I2P+, visit the update page at and enable unsigned development updates. The default update address will inform you of release updates, or for development updates (aka rolling release), replace the address with: http://skank.i2p/dev/

Note: If you have installed I2P from the Easy Installer Bundle, this will need to be uninstalled first and your configuration directory renamed or deleted - see the included INSTALL.txt file for more info.

New since 2.6.0+

  • Display X tier and Floodfill counts per country on /netdb
  • Overhaul of LeaseSet presentation
  • Display direct connection hostname/ip address for U class routers when available
  • Improve pagination for RouterInfo display in NetDb with returned result count
  • If we suspect a router is running I2P/I2P+, display an icon on the routerinfo header
  • Linkify leasesets on /logs with leading key icon
  • Sort Service Tunnels by application/server/client/ping in sidebar
  • Collapse Tracker and Create Filter sections in I2PSnark by default
  • Display freespace bar indicator in I2PSnark main table footer, move our dest to config section
  • Add UI option to enable/disable +0/1 inbound/outbound hop randomization (I2PSnark)
  • Console and webapp theme improvements
  • Console logging improvements

More information



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Meow wrote (edited by a moderator )

I2P 2.7.0 has also been released.

Access to information from the console and applications has been improved. Issues have been fixed in I2PSnark and SusiMail search. The netDB search embedded into the router console now operates in a more intuitive and useful way. Minor improvements have been made to diagnostic displays in advanced mode. [...]