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bottticelli OP wrote

Thank you very much /u/not_bob/, I appreciate. However, as of now this feature is not working on my side. There is blank space in place of the counter rectangle. What can be the possible issue? How do you think?


not_bob wrote

I have added a way to change the color. just add &color=color to the end of the url and it will change the text color. The background will be transparent.

You can use any normal color name, red, green, blue, purple, orange, plum, and so on. If you don't like these colors, try others.

if you do not specify a color it will default to black. If you try an invalid color, it will default to black.


not_bob wrote

It should show a transparent box with a black number in it. If your site is set to dark mode that will not work.

So long as your browser has access to I2P it should work.