Posted by not_bob in I2P (edited by a moderator )

notbob.i2p hosts requests and jump stats for 2023

  • hosts.txt - 611,664 (~1700/ day)
  • hosts-all.txt - 2,583,360 (~7000/ day)
  • Total jump requests - 376,184

Those are not small numbers. Remember that if someone subscribes to a hosts subscription, I2P may grab the file several times a day, depending on configuration.

Use the link to view the top 100 sites jumped!



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noptic wrote

Looks like I2P usage and content is growing. I hope we will have most of the internet available on I2P in a few years.

Thanks for hosting your valuable service for all this time, you are a trooper.


not_bob OP wrote

We already have mirrors of quite a few useful sites and working outproxies.

Also, you are welcome. I work hard to be a useful member of the community.