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z3d wrote (edited )

Don't edit the eepsite files in your application directory, they serve as a template which is copied to your configuration directory when you first run I2P. Instead you need to edit the files in your configuration directory.

Since you still have the default help files displaying on your site, read the information there relating to the location of the eepsite folder and edit the contents in the location indicated, which varies depending on what operating system you're running I2P on. Once you've edited index.html in eepsite/docroot you may need to clear your browser's cache to see the changes.


bottticelli OP wrote

Thanks a lot for your quick answer. I am running i2p on Linux, package install, running as a service.

According to this, the instructions on the default help page of eepsite say that the proper directory for index.html file is /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/eepsite/docroot/, which is exactly where I am editing my pagefiles. What is really bizarre that before disabling the i2prouter for the first time since it had been working very nicely, showing every change I did with both index.html files in .../docroot and .../docroot/help directory.

Now it looks like the server is getting some other default index.html files from somewhere else. That's awkward, I can't figure it out. What can be the cause? How do you think?


z3d wrote

It's possible that you have 2 different installations of I2P, one installed via a .deb file / repo, and the other installed manually. Check for the presence of an ~/.i2p/ folder, that would indicate you've got a manual install running somewhere.

You might just find that a manual install suits you better, not least because all files related to your configuration live in ~/.i2p/ which makes management easier.

For more realtime help, feel free to jump onto I2P IRC and visit #saltr.


bottticelli OP wrote

I checked and double-checked, my ~/ dir does not have the .i2p folder, it comes only as an installed package at /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/...

Do you think it's a good idea to perform a full re-install and get it manually in the ~/.i2p folder? I'm prety satisfied for now with the /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/ directory, it seems quite equivalent for an i2p-newbie...

Thank you for the channel recommendation, I'll definitely pay attention to it.


whyO wrote

As a sidenote the .i2p folder is a hidden file folder so you need to tick show hidden files.


z3d wrote

Personally I'd always opt for the Java installer over the repo/deb installation because installing it yourself gives you much more flexibility, for example if you want to sidegrade from I2P to I2P+, or if you want to test development builds, in addition to having all your configuration files in a single location (as mentioned).

You can stop the I2P service and try out the java installer if you don't want to fully commit before you've got comfortable. You could always try the I2P+ installer, details at: http://skank.i2p

Back to your original question, given you're currently running a repo installation, and you appear to be editing files in the correct location, the only thing I can think of that may be causing issues is your browser cache retaining the default index.html file which redirects to /help. You can test this theory by creating a separate file in docroot/ and browsing directly to that instead, e.g. testpage.html .. if this works, clear your browser cache and try accessing the site again. And be mindful of the file permissions on any new files you create.