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z3d OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by Updates in I2P+ 2.4.0+ released! by z3d

The minor release updates related to cosmetic fixes for I2PSnark, and an issue with the sticky sidebar at less than 1500px viewport width; networking is unaffected.

As for build tunnel success, we appear to be under some sort of attack right now so expect things to behave abnormally. Reduced build success percentages and increased transit tunnel requests have been observed. Under normal operation, a non-firewalled I2P+ router should see around 70-80% build success after approximately 30m of uptime.

To address the varying size of the update zip files that you raised on rocksolid, the additional translations have added around 2MB to the pack200 (skank.i2p/dev/ files, more where pack200 isn't being used. And from time to time, the GeoIP database is included in an update, which adds another 3MB or so to the size.

Regarding minor releases being pushed to the release update channel, these may happen on account of bugs, a new, stable feature being made available pre-release, or because a security issue is being addressed in an update that merits an out-of-band update.

In short, if you don't mind the occasional bug, then the /dev/ update path will give you the new stuff sooner, while the stable/release update path will only give you minor version updates when the new features are sufficiently tested and deemed robust, or to address functional or security bugs that may arise from time to time.

One last thing to mention: if you haven't previously installed I2P+ on a system running a non .deb / repo I2P, and you're performing an upgrade from I2P to I2P+ (not using the full installer), you will need to install from the release url: skank.i2p/ before enabling develoment updates from skank.i2p/dev/ to ensure you have the pack200 library, otherwise updating from the /dev/ path will fail.