I2P+ 1.6.1+ released!
i2pplus.github.ioAnnouncing the latest release of I2P+ (1.6.1+), a soft-fork of the Java I2P software with an emphasis on presentation, performance, and usability.
Now available for download as an update or a full installer for Windows and Linux (Java 1.8 or later supported):
- Torrents: http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256
- Direct downloads via https://i2pplus.github.io/ or http://skank.i2p/ or http://eekmit7xiyu3vjgovu756xj3rzbhycwzgx4gmnyqxau64yzckiluoxad.onion/
- Git source access: https://gitlab.com/i2p.plus/I2P.Plus/
Some of the recent changes include:
- Upload ratio bars to indicate amount of shared data per torrent in I2PSnark (indicates up to 100% share)
- Streamlined searchbar on /home and /sitemap
- Additional help for optimizing websites on .i2p in the console help section
- Updated directory listings theme for jetty eepsites with alternate light theme and refreshed file icons
- 2 new reseed hosts for accelerated network integration
- Ongoing theme updates and enhancements for console and webapps
- The full installers now implement https:// access to the console by default; you will need to allow the (self-signed) certificate when prompted in your web browser to access the console. To disable automatic redirection, add the following to your router.config file in ~/.i2p/ -> routerconsole.redirectToHTTPS=false
- The Windows installer will install I2P+ as a Windows system service and configure to automatically start at system boot (requires administrator privileges). Control of the service can be managed via or via the normal Windows methods e.g. services.msc or the task manager services tab.
- To enable updates for I2P+, visit the update page at and enable unsigned development updates. The default update address will inform you of release updates, or for development updates (aka rolling release), replace the address with http://skank.i2p/dev/i2pupdate.zip
- Updating from I2P to I2P+, or from I2P+ to I2P is as simple as providing the router with the relevant update file and restarting.