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Rambler wrote

is it just for me?

Maybe. Seems to be clearnet speed here.


Rambler wrote

Let me know if the issue persists. The I2P site should be near clearnet speeds. It's a 0-hop tunnel since it's using the same clearnet server for the I2P site. I don't need to additional tunnel lengths to keep the site's origin anonymous since there is a public, clearnet version already available. So your I2P traffic to the site shouldn't be routed all over the network before being able to access the site. Should be pretty direct / fast.


meathandler wrote

For me it either works perfectly or timeouts to hell


XANA wrote

For me is fast :)


tranquility OP wrote (edited )

well, tried java router instead of i2pd. runs perfectly.

seems like i2pd isn't compatible with ramble's router. idk


XANA wrote

Both me and rambler use I2P+ . It's I2P Java Router on steroids. You can always join #saltr on I2P IRC to get more support.