Posted by Rambler in I2P (edited by a moderator )

Announcing the latest release of I2P+ (0.9.49+), a soft-fork of the Java I2P software with an emphasis on presentation, performance, and usability.

Now available for download as an update or a full installer for Windows and Linux (Java 1.8 or later supported):

Some of the recent changes include:

  • New mechanism to select routers for local tunnels based on measured latency
  • Additional sidebar readouts to indicate tunnel build concurrency and average build time, average tunnel lag, and optionally peer test average (enabled with routerconsole.showPeerTestAvg=true)
  • Improvements to the i2ping, eephead and eepget scripts to enable argument and error handling
  • Improvements to various sub-systems to prioritize server and client traffic
  • For high bandwidth routers, better performance when hosting a large number of participating tunnels (14000 tunnels at 8MB/s both directions has been reported)
  • New icons for router groups (fast, highcap, integrated, standard) on the peer profiles page
  • Various UI improvements to optimize space usage and presentation
  • Easier updates to I2P+ (both release and dev builds) within the console, with improved UI feedback when updates are available
  • Ongoing improvements to console and webapp themes


The full installers now implement https:// access to the console by default; you will need to allow the (self-signed) certificate when prompted in your web browser to access the console. To disable automatic redirection, add the following to your router.config file in ~/.i2p/ -> routerconsole.redirectToHTTPS=false

The Windows installer will install I2P+ as a Windows system service and configure to automatically start at system boot (requires administrator privileges). Control of the service can be managed via or via the normal Windows methods e.g. services.msc or the task manager services tab.

Edit: x-posted from reddit. I'm not involved with the project.

Edit 2: If you want to help distribute I2P+, please download and seed the 0.9.49+ releases on http://tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?view=TPoolDetail&id=1256



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____ wrote

I prefer i2pd because it doesn't use Java bloat.


not_bob wrote

I2P+ is the way to go. No doubt.