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Rambler wrote

I love the JS detection. I switch mine on and off all the time since some sites I still use require it. Nice reminder.

What sort of machine is powering your router? I noticed the load average, so that's why I'm asking. That'd be an issue on my router install, but it's a relatively low end VPS.

I'm going to work on a large I2P link directory today like I did for /f/yggdrasil and pin it here. I'll make sure you're on there.


term99 OP wrote


This is a low/mid range vps, 4vCPU 4GB Mem Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz per /proc/cpuinfo The loadavg has been much higher than that before, job lag stays low, so its all within its limits.

Thanks for linking me, cool site btw.


XANA wrote

I also run speed router and it;s amazing loading ramble takes 6 sec instead of 40-60 :)