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Rambler wrote (edited )

When I was a student, it seemed like teachers got great satisfaction out of that exchange.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

-- "I don't know, can you?"

<sighs> "May I go to the bathroom?"

I had 8 classes each day and just pissed between them like a normal person but it seemed like that once per day I'd witness this exchange. It seemed to always give the teachers satisifaction to correct the student and it happened enough that I know when to use "may I" and "can I" in normal discussion for fear of activating some smug look on the other person's face.


onion OP wrote

I only remember hearing it once, when I was asked it. I was very confused about how to respond lol


Wahaha wrote

Huh.. I don't remember ever using the school toilet. Thinking back, I don't even know where the toilet would have been.