TLS Certificate System More About Control than Protection of Internet Users
cheapskatesguide.orgPosted by HMTg927 in FreeSpeech (edited by a moderator )
From the very beginning, the foolhardiness of giving any organization authority to issue TLS certificates that browsers can use to block websites has been painfully obvious. For so many reasons. Warning after warning has been issued, but those in charge of Internet security theater in the United States and around the world have never been concerned with real security for Internet users. I am sorry to be so blunt, but organizations that use sham security (see this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this) to control Internet users and the Internet itself anger me.
As far as I can see, the issuance of TLS security certificates has always been about money and control. The fact that governments would eventually realize this and step in to take the largest cut of the spoils has apparently not been enough of a deterrent to prevent the formation of the easily-corrupted TLS certification system that we have today. Well, now the chickens have finally come home to roost, and we deserve every bit of what may be coming next.
Wahaha wrote
I never understood the point of certificates in the first place.