Posted by ghast in FreeSpeech
TallestSkil wrote
Reply to comment by ghast in A good chart and explanation of the global power structure by ghast
If you know a good resource on that subject I’ll take a look
- The Culture Of Critique – Kevin MacDonald
- The Jewish Religion, Its Influence Today – Elizabeth Dilling
- Behind Communism – Frank L. Britton
- By Way of Deception – Victor Ostrovsky
- Esau’s Tears Modern Antisemitism and the Rise of the Jews, 1870-1933 – Albert Lindemann
- How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (volumes 1 and 2)
- New History of the Jews – Eustace Mullins
- On the Jews and their Lies – Martin Luther
- The Israel Lobby - John J. Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt
- The Sampson Option – Seymour M. Hirsch
- The Talmud Unmasked – I. B. Pranaitis
- Zionism, the Hidden Tyranny – Benjamin Freedman
If you’re pressed for time, just read the first two.
And Christians, especially boomers tend to believe that the NWO will be vehemently against Israel.
It is. As in, Christian Israel. Christendom. Boomers are retarded brainwashed puppets who worship jews because they read the Scofield bible instead of the real Bible.
ghast OP wrote (edited )
Thanks for the list. Been somewhat busy but I read part of the first two books and have been looking into various resources about the “new world order” concept.
Started to think you might be on to something after seeing
And especially
It is true, of course, that there were Jews connected with Free Masonry from its birth, students of the Kabbala, as is shown by certain rites which survive. It is very probable, too, that in the years preceding the outbreak of the French Revolution, they entered in greater numbers than ever, into the councils of the secret societies, becoming, indeed, themselves the founders of secret associations. There were Jews in the circle around Weishaupt, and a Jew of Portuguese origin, Martinez de Pasquales, established numerous groups of illuminati in France and gathered a large number of disciples...
Kabbalah seems to have been pretty influential to various mystical orders that endorse the NWO concept (Theosophists, Freemasons, Illuminati, and Rosicrucians). Those groups are influenced by a lot of other traditions too though, ranging from ancient Egyptian religion to Buddhism, European paganism, and Christianity. I would have to read more to understand whether there is something about Kabbalah specifically that is influencing that belief in a new world order, or whether it is just a situation where various people and groups interested in mysticism were happy to also incorporate Jewish mysticism.
It looks like the new world order concept started with theosophist Sir Francis Bacon and his book “New Atlantis”. I haven’t read it, but from reading about it on Wikipedia, “New Atlantis” sounds like a pretty good society. Judging from George Washington’s letters about the Illuminati, I’m guessing the Freemasons were a decent organization prior to Illuminati infiltration. Maybe the “novus ordo seclorum” idea started out as something ok as well. I hear that “Proofs of a Conspiracy” is a good read.
Also interesting that many Jews believe their messiah will bring world peace, which I suppose would require a global government. And yeah there are some Jewish supremacists who think they’re supposed to have thousands of goyim slaves or servants in the end times. Interesting too that masons and Jews are both very interested in the building of the third temple in Jerusalem. If you’re right about Jewish culture being the foundation of the NWO, I guess that stuff would be part of it. So far I haven’t come across a “smoking gun” for such theories though.
Really the main issue I have is with what people in power are doing, and not cultural or religious reasons for why they may be doing it. The Chinese are pretty far ahead with many goals shared by people behind the NWO plan. Chinese culture is good in some respects but they have a central bank digital currency, lots of surveillance, vaccine passports, and they’re into transhumanism. If the NWO plan fails and the Chinese eventually take over and start forcing that stuff on people in the US, my issue will just be with everyone at the top of the power structure, the enforcers, and specific ideas which are more common in Chinese culture. I won’t start railing against Chinese culture in general or Chinese people… then again I can see how opposing Chinese cultural influence in general might be necessary to foster enough nationalism for an effective resistance. But there would also be potential for inspiring pointless violence against random Chinese people if it’s too negative about Chinese culture rather than positive about American culture. That’s an issue I have with some people who are into the “jewish question” stuff. Some people take it to absurd extremes thinking any influence jews have had on culture must be inherently bad just because it is jewish influence.
I’m guessing most pro-Israel Christians are influenced by John Hagee and pastors like him. My parents really like him. I don’t think they have a Scofield Reference Bible. I’m agnostic but just looking at observable facts about the current power structure, the idea that the end times are near AND the NWO is going to be against Israel makes very little sense. The only thing that almost helps it make sense is that the UN has regularly condemned Israeli government actions against the Palestinians.
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