Posted by Wingless in FreeSpeech (edited )

What's more pathetic than far-right protesters plotting their conspiracy to take over the government with ... Legos? Yeah, creepy prosecutors with six (seven?) figure salaries coming after them for criminal assembly of Legos. A few years ago, they were busy breaking new ground in constitutional violations going after people for 3-D printing guns!

Kids, hide your Legos deep in the closet, because someone in the government wants to know how you got them ... and what you're doing with them.

N.B. I kept reposting this because I kept getting messages "500 Internal Server Error" and "Invalid CSRF token". Some but not all actually did post. There's something a bit hinky here.



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Rambler wrote

What's crazy is that notebook has written, "Bring Assault Rifle" down. Like, any gun enthusiast would either cringe at the use or laugh if asked about 'Assault Rifles'. That's a media blanket term for all things scary looking. "Step to Step to creating Houston Militia"? Really? (Besides step 1 is coming up with a cool name and Punisher rip-off logo and have the local screen printer make a dozen or show XXL shirts.) This entire thing reads like it's fake but some really stupid people really do exist, too.

And if this is real, then it's likely staged. This is the "passport of a hijacker" level of coincidence in regards to how absurd it is if actually real.

N.B. I kept reposting this because I kept getting messages "500 Internal Server Error" and "Invalid CSRF token". Some but not all actually did post. There's something a bit hinky here.

It does the same thing if you post a link to my Invidious install and some other random sites. It's a Postmill thing, and from reading the error logs last time it happened it hinted towards some issue with Ramble / Postmill not being able to fetch a thumbnail from the source. It's been a minute so I'm not sure if the issue originates here or the linked site(s).