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PissMaster57 wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by burnerben in Update: Cinch News by burnerben

I know this is old, but I stumbled across this post after doing a little digging about cinch news. I came from the discord server. A bunch of the people who make stuff for cinch news network are in there, and they talk quite often. Me and a few other people have been trying to find out more about these people, as well as whether or not they're for real. Here's a link to the discord, for anyone who may want it. They essentially seem to believe that journalists are some sort of new gender or something, and they've been saying stuff like "JLGBTQ". They also seem to believe that a journalist's opinion is right, just because they are a journalist. That sort of thing makes me think it's a joke, but after seeing how detailed the articles are on cinch news, i'm just not sure anymore. I just can't imagine anybody going this far for a joke, putting in this much work.


burnerben OP wrote

im in that server too. yea idk abt the joke thing. its so borderline like it could be really funny but also i wouldnt be suprised if it was real.