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onion OP wrote (edited )

I agree that people taking any of them at this point are like lab rats. They were only given FDA emergency authorization not approval. I'm going to wait for FDA approval at least, if I take one at all. But just because Astrazeneca are using a virus that usually infects chimps as a vector doesn't mean that there's a risk of chimp genes being transmitted. Lots of viruses that infect humans were originally spreading in animals before jumping to humans.

I've heard less bad things about Sputnik V, and I think I'd rather get that one than the others available now, but both Sputnik and AstraZeneca are similar in that they are both viral vector vaccines, which is a relatively new technology. Not totally new like the mRNA vaccines. The technology has been used for Ebola vaccines before at least

Maybe I'll eventually get Covaxin. As far as I know, that is the only traditional vaccine for this virus which is simply made with dead coronavirus. But Sputnik would be my second choice if I was living in some country that was allied or at least friendly with Russia.