The Daily Beast is going after leftists who don't tow the party line, accusing them of "flirting with the far right"
thedailybeast.comPosted by onion in FreeSpeech
True, but interestingly in this case, the people being accused of flirting with the far right are closer to Bernie Sanders.
People in the "dirtbag left" tend to be socialist or communist. They dislike Biden, but not as much as Trump. Many voted for Bernie, but see him as a sellout for endorsing Biden.
This is the establishment left at The Daily Beast attacking a portion of the populist, anti-establishment left for stepping too far out of line.
Naturally, some on the anti-establishment left find that they have some things in common with the anti-establishment right. Such as noticing how the lockdowns have benefited big businesses like Walmart and Amazon while killing small businesses. Opposing Zionism and Zionist influence. Noticing that the ruling class focuses on race to prevent class consciousness.
Similarly, the anti-establishment right sometimes finds common ground with the anti-establishment left. You see that with some on the right fighting the police and burning or stepping on their "thin blue line" flags.
Also, the establishment media on both the left and the right have largely moved on from the Epstein story, but anti-establishment figures on both sides still talk about it.
god forbid we have centralists or independent thought. its not like the two political part system is the ultimate demise and degration of our country and is becoming more prevalent every year. totally not like you cant run for president with a fighting chance unless you conform to an extreme. its not like this two party system divides our county and is getting worse and worse every month. neither the right or the left are correct. neither one solve problems they just take the the problem in an abstract sense and move it to somewhere else. then we have new social movements and then this cycle repeats. and we are forced to conform to an extreme because i cant vote for a candidate that is down the middle and has mixed views.
Rambler wrote
To some, anyone right of Bernie Sanders is considered "far right".