Recent comments in /f/Crypto

NotQball wrote

The wallet software was distributed through i2p and Google Playstore etc. 4 million in 10 years is chump change: a bad year for Hunter B. or a few hours for a casino. This is Red Hairing selective enforcement. They could have sent them to jail for jaywalking. A shame!
I got more info on the MIT Mexi-cans Etherum and it was an internal fight brewing for 4 years. They should give them the PhD (prove here dummy) and a bug bounty but the "victims" are well connected.


notme wrote

There are several ways in fooling the electric company and not pay for power. I did not it in a very long time (4 decades). There is another problem with the electrical signature of a computer plugged into the power grid. A friend of mine was a saleman for a company that made UPSes (uninterupted power supply that masked the signature to grid). There is also an electromagnetic signature (that I can mask myself). My guess is that either was a rat or the money printers starting to use this type of technology on regular bases.