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Rambler wrote

In order of popularity: Clearnet, Tor, then I2P. Loki and Yggdrasil combined make up probably about 1% of total traffic. Clearnet is about 60-65% and Tor is about 30%.

It's kind of hard to measure but that is the general gist from trying to figure this out myself recently.


nvuaooay OP wrote

Thanks! I wanted site owner's feeling. Informative. Numbers of connections, GETs, or POSTs... hard to choose and count, it may be.
Does "Tor about 30%" include users coming from clearnet of Tor exit node as well as from onion? If No, onion users are more than what I expected. I2P users are just more.


burnerben wrote

good amount of clearnet and onion but everything else small small margins


Rambler wrote

I'll look more into it soon. It's sort of hard to figure out without running proper analytic software but I'll give it a crack.


Rambler wrote

Okay! After some quick review.

I stopped using Cloudflare a few days ago, but according to them the last 30 days had (for clearnet only):

  • Unique Visitors: 9,101
  • Total Requests: 2,790,988

Today so far, via some log analyzing tools from all traffic sources:

Total Requests 46784 Unique Visitors 619 

Keep in mind that 'unique visitors' will always be incorrect because every request from the Tor network (onion service only) looks the same. Every request from I2P is logged as one of two addresses from the I2P routers that I have creating the HTTP tunnel to the site, every request from LokiNet looks the same as well. This means you can't tell the difference between Onion_UserA and Onion_UserB. But that number DOES include bots/crawlers/spiders as well...

In fact, after review, I'm not certain how I came to my previous determination of saying clearnet was 60+% of traffic, Tor 30%~, etc. I'm not going to go into detail on how logs are kept but there isn't enough data kept to do good analysis and the data I'm using now won't exist 'soon' for later review, either.

Like, for example today it shows 68.68% of visitor's IP is the internal Tor Onion service IP. So, according to what I'm seeing, (today), 69% (kek) of traffic has been from the Tor Onion service (http:// rambleeeqrhty6s5jgefdfdtc6tfgg4jj6svr4jpgk4wjtg3qshwbaad.onion )

In short: I don't really know. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

I just know Clearnet, Tor and I2P are the biggest networks. I support Loki and Yggdrasil out of principle and less because we get many visitors from them.

This site launched at the beginning of December so I'll say that I'm happy with the level of activity that exists and hope it continues to grow.


div1337 wrote

Using loki but how to get here via i2p?


Rambler wrote

Thanks, I thought I tried that the other day and didn't work but may be it's my i2prouter issue.

Usually I2P is super reliable... I actually have two routers in two different continents optimized for multi-homing to serve as the HTTP tunnel to the site. If the site is up, the I2P site is up.

BUT, the other day I moved everything away from Cloudflare (clearnet site) which meant I had to reissue the SSL certificate. In doing so it borked some of the alternative network configurations I had setup in nginx. For 12-16 hours I2P was inaccessible and that was 100% my fault for not testing each network connection. Somehow I2P and Lokinet was responding funnily afterwards.

I2P should be reliable (again) moving forward.


KeeJef wrote

Using Lokinet :)