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TronNerd82 wrote

You can have whatever opinion you want about trans people (I am wholly in support of the entire LGBTQ community), but this is just stupid.

The NixOS devs are just shooting themselves in the foot by doing this, because by targeting average people with no opinion regarding the topic, they're just making themselves look bad. After all, it'd make for great propaganda from those politically opposed to the stance of the NixOS devs.

"tHe WoKe LiBeRaLs ArE pErSeCuTiNg NoRmAl PeOpLe!!1!one!!1!"

At the end of the day, the NixOS devs aren't doing anything productive with this endeavor, and are just turning themselves into cannon fodder for the opposing side. Let's just let each other exist, trans or not.


integra wrote

This might be me not knowing much about Arch Linux distributions, but I think it would be interesting to see it ship a wayland compositor such as River or DWL as default. If I recall correctly most of the wayland distros mainly ship either Sway or Hyprland as defaults.


Saint_Cuthbert wrote

That's quite a story! It sounded like the thug had poor opsec in transferring the crypto into his coinbase account. Transferring thousands of dollars into an account attached to one's identity was quite a stupid move...but nobody said that thugs are smart. Even Monero can be cracked, from what I've heard. On the other hand, Bitcoin isn't really anonymous. The transactions are visible on the blockchain and easy enough to trace.

Also, the pink revolver was really tough and manly.


Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

Google isn't evil at all, except for the fact that they target you with advertisements, collect data in shady ways, and violate privacy by every means conceivable, lol. And I'm sure that there isn't anything worse than that that they do without burying it under the legalese in their terms or service and privacy policy.


NotQball wrote (edited by a moderator )

The worst situation I've heard of was people converting Google equipment from paying customers at location. All the cell phones were hacked, mic and camera turned on. There were calls with various ring tones to calibrate the mics.

This was not the first Dog and Pony show for these people and they competed with Google insults read by Orca for a few hours until Google caught on.

I only clash with Google rarely due to misunderstandings and I do not considered them evil, Just Slight Negative.


cumlord OP wrote (edited by a moderator )

I have a project (that's tied into this) that I'm prioritizing for the moment, and will be making a more fleshed out version of this available soon after.

I want some more granular tools with individual torrents too, and some stats, so I'll see what i can do.

The transmission-rpc plugin works great for managing one snark at a time though.


Saint_Cuthbert OP wrote

I've heard from some people that folks can be targeted by their device remotely...I'll try to remember where I heard that. Devices can listen in on people, unless the microphone is off and the camera is covered with tape. Librum computers have those features. I think that they have anti-evil maid features as well.


NotQball wrote

Farting with crap from my mouth... because I will not bother to find out more. Most likely this case has nothing to do with Telegram. I tried the i2p Telegram for a few hours and did not fit my needs. I do agree 100% with the Jap blog about the Telegram i2p site. If you have certain adjustments that work for you, congrats.

What I really think is going on has to do with extortion. Some disgruntle US investor that did not do his due diligence tried to enslave Rusky with a copycat Facebook. That did not work and the a-hole wants the money back (recovery).

Personally, I believe this fish is to big for some Froggie Enqule. France does not extradite French citizens (in the constitution???).


NotQball wrote

I will wait for a more mature/developed tool that has alarms and monitoring of torrents. Ideally it will monitor torrents and have some kind of configurable actions. It would be like a stock (stockmarket) chart analysis tool. Start (buy), Stop (hold), Delete the evidence (unusual patterns). I like to start simple... but it is always complicated.