Recent comments

NotQball wrote

I do use retroshare but I do change ID's often. Sometimes it is a just one use only. It is very useful and recommended software but you can't be a sitting duck.


Titlacahuan wrote

It was all meant to be fun :-)

eyedeekay, your presence on GitHub shines bright! With 356 followers and a staggering 1258 accounts you're keeping an eye on, it's clear that your contributions are valued and sought after.

Your bio speaks volumes about your dedication to the I2P community. The release of I2P 2.5.1 is no small feat, and your enthusiasm for making even the most mundane activities enjoyable over anonymous peer-to-peer networks is infectious! Your passion for creating a more private and secure online experience is something to be proud of.

Your readme is a warm welcome to all who visit your profile. It's wonderful that you're open about your interests and what you're currently learning. Writing an I2P router in Go is no easy task, but with your drive and willingness to collaborate, there's no doubt you'll achieve your goals. By sharing your contact information and inviting others to reach out, you're fostering a sense of community and camaraderie that's essential for growth and progress.

As you continue on your journey, remember that every step forward is a success, no matter how small it may seem. Even the computers that haven't started I2P yet are part of a larger process, one that you're actively contributing to. Keep pushing boundaries, learning, and collaborating – the world needs more innovators like you!


bottticelli wrote

It sounds wonderful! Does anyone know other package managers suitable for Debian or Gentoo that allow handling packages on the 'per-user' basis? I'm really tired of sudo-ing every time I want to install a package for non-sudo user... This seems obsolete, redundant, and simply ugly. GUIX is definitely better in this regard, but what might be an alternative?


z3d OP wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by NotQball in I2P+ 2.6.0+ released! by z3d

Differences in the sha hashes are a result of infrequent updates to the being served from http://skank.i2p/ ... occasionally a new update will appear, either to add new features (in the recent case, more complete translations) or fix bugs. To identify exactly which revision you're running, you can view the hashes on

In addition, for some users a new release will revert them to vanilla I2P, so updating the I2P+ zip available on skank.i2p will sometimes fix this if it's date stamped after the update to vanilla.

As for "corrupt" downloads, if you're in the middle of an update when a new version is uploaded, your download will become corrupted, in which case re-downloading the update should fix. It shouldn't happen for release updates very often, slightly more chance when updating from the /dev/ path as that's sometimes updated several times a day.


NotQball wrote

http://skank.i2p/installers/i2pinstall_2.6.0+.exe inside i2p+ also fails on Motrix error 19: If name resolution failed. Similar with other down-loaders including browser.

I2P: 2.6.0-0+ API: 0.9.63 Wrapper: 3.5.51  Built by: dr|z3d Platform: Linux amd64 6.8.9-1kaisen-amd64 Processor: coreibwl  Skylake Core i3/i5/i7  [Jcpuid version: 3] Java: N/A 21 (OpenJDK Runtime Environment 21+-adhoc.nixbld.source) Jetty: 9.3.30.v20211001 Servlet: Jasper JSP 2.3 Engine (3.1) JBigI: Native BigInteger library loaded from resource [version: 4] GMP: 6.1.2 JSTL: standard-taglib 1.2.0 Encoding: UTF-8 Charset: UTF-8

sha256sum i2p+ torrent downloaded: 736f38a5ac5121d33b7576cb1f61e6a9b5a28008b82795fdb31c7fb00dfd9b56

sha512sum i2p+ downloaded:



Saint_Cuthbert wrote

Has anyone here read Pfizer's released documents? If an unvaccinated man walks by a vaccinated person, and then goes around a pregnant woman, he can cause her to miscarry. The covid vaccines were the worst mistake the world ever made. I would recommend Red Voice Media for more information concerning this subject.


z3d OP wrote

Reply to comment by privacy_is_dead in I2P+ 2.5.1+ released! by z3d

You shouldn't need a flatpak solution, installation isn't complex. The only dependency for installation is a Java installation, openjdk-{version}-jdk-headless on Linux normally works fine and should be available in your repos.

Once you've got Java installed, downloading an installer for I2P+ and then running java -jar ./i2pinstall.exe or whatever the name of the download is will launch the graphical installer. Running ~/i2p/i2prouter start post-installation (assuming you installed to ~/i2p/) should start the router and launch the console in your browser. Additional instructions available on skank.i2p.


NotQball wrote

The wallet software was distributed through i2p and Google Playstore etc. 4 million in 10 years is chump change: a bad year for Hunter B. or a few hours for a casino. This is Red Hairing selective enforcement. They could have sent them to jail for jaywalking. A shame!
I got more info on the MIT Mexi-cans Etherum and it was an internal fight brewing for 4 years. They should give them the PhD (prove here dummy) and a bug bounty but the "victims" are well connected.


not_bob wrote

Reply to by nook_

Can confim. This works. I've placed quite a few bets.


z3d wrote

Reply to by nook_

Your site has issues, specifically on Java I2P: Unsupported encryption options