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Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by righttoprivacy in Macron's call to 'cut off' social media during riots sparks backlash in France by Rambler
And like, I get it to a degree. Sure, there are some shitty people online. And sure, some hide behind anonymity.
And there are also people who just don't want giant corporations harvesting data about them or who wish to keep their government out of their daily life, even when doing nothing at all wrong. And for them, there are people that all fall in between or wish to have privacy for various other reasons.
It's bizarre to me that wanting privacy can even ever be considered controversial. No one thinks that because you put up a privacy fence on your property that you're now running a automobile chop-shop or operating a meth lab in the back yard, now that the neighbors and passersby can't see in. Not sure why people assume the worse when people want digital privacy, as well. No one would demand all houses remove privacy fences so everyone can see their yards, which I think can be sort of an apt comparison to digital privacy.
Rambler wrote
Reply to What kind of keyboards do you like? by not_bob
I just use these cheap Amazon mechanical keyboards, and am happy with them. They're a great upgrade to what I had before, and without breaking the bank.
I'm sort of looking for a 60% mechanical keyboard now for part of a 'mobile office' setup, as I absolutely hate typing on a laptop. Any recommendations?
righttoprivacy wrote
speaking of which, 2 weeks before election, Macron actually campaigned against anonymity online: “In a democratic society, there should be no anonymity. You can’t walk around in the street wearing a hood. On the Internet, people allow themselves, because they are hooded behind a pseudonym, to say the worst abjections”
righttoprivacy wrote (edited )
Reply to All of the internet now belongs to Google's AI by z3d
Interesting. Gmail has already been previously reported to scan emails for advertising. Anything goes.
righttoprivacy wrote
Reply to What kind of keyboards do you like? by not_bob
Love older Thinkpads like T420. Mechanical wherever possible. 🤓 ⌨️ 🖥️
righttoprivacy wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by not_bob in How You Know Elon Musk Is Trying Very Hard to Get You to Stop Using Twitter by z3d
Once the truly darkside of AI commercialization ripens, more people will start to get it.
IGnatiusTFoobar wrote
Reply to Portrait of (an alleged) war criminal by z3d
Actually only someone who has been convicted in an international court can be a war criminal.
iop23up wrote (edited )
they want to deny scraping of their data. It is not their data. It's the posters data. What about copyrights by the user. This ai thing would fall down very quickly if you have to create/generate your data by yourself by hiring some volunteers on salary. But what they are now doing in twitter is that these data geerators have to pay money for distributing their data. Quite weird. What is needed is a form of copyright which extend its power to segmented/parameterised usage or maybe allow/disallow training usage. Should be easy to verifiy if you can reprodue the original to a limit which indicates that you had this training data. What do thing you will find in some stable diffusion models if you prompt the right parameters. No surprise to find these things there. The consequence of this would be that these datascraper//trainers need to have look to secure that they haven't been trained on copyright material. This discussin is not new. How much parts does make an original and are they consists of parts that are so small that they are "trivial" information and is the amorphed amount of these parts copyright free and become copyrightwith an instruction how to put these parts together in a/the right way? There has been some apps which tries to circumvent the copyright by fractionize the data to "trivial" parts, if iirc correctly the judges don't saw it that way. The difference here is that the instructions will biuld/reconstruct only one output and not variotions of the data like the ai models.
The i2p model does not help to much against this stealing of data i thing. It just make it slower, but it will make the scraper to run nodes,which is good for i2p :). The anonymity of i2p gains some id mixing as you can't really build one id like with an registered user.
My hope is that the people a tired to jump from one to another, but i don't think they in a state that let them recognize the importants of this cooperation fights for their data and access and a huge necessity to have a non big money/data alternative. Which they have to pay/contribute the development/maintainance for.
I don't know if these tech provide the same features as these big cooperation solutions, but i don't think that should be the goal either. The niche is that people need something they scan rely to if they are abandon some service. The question is always how to connect again. That's the niche i think of. Something like: Twitter has deleted my post, but it is still on i2p-x (or bitmassage,i2pemail fed, etc.), here is the link, should be ok as long as 2+ nodes are running... or: Here the link to my always up linklist on i2p-x (i know youc can do this right now by own http server/railroad), here you can find my other locations.
What about something that allows to have a universial post. Using images? If i post i would generate a jpg. It puts metadata from the post like postnumber, reference, keys, hashs into the metadata of the image. The image itsself would be a screenshot of the post(maybe watermarked). The raw post data will be put into the image as stego encrypted or not. This could be useful for reposting etc. and is not format specific. The user will generate it by posting/sharing and stores/send it anywhere for linking/reference. This method will produce bigger post size for sure, but could be acceptable if to find it at all is more important. And you can read the post with every image viewer and do not need to touch any forum/messageservice/app to read it.
Rambler wrote
Reply to France Passes New Bill Allowing Police to Remotely Activate Cameras on Citizens' Phones by not_bob
Luckily, faraday bags are (still) legal and easy to make, and cheap to buy if you want one. I've got some name-brand faraday bag that was $25 or so, which works well in all tests I've done. In a pinch can make one with similar effectiveness that may be a bit gaudy to look at, but hey, function over fashion!
I'm able to disable the camera and mic on my Pixel 7 w/ GrapheneOS via software, but unsure how well it actually 'works'. I know that when I open an app that requires either, I get warnings that the mic is disabled (As if, I open the phone app) or whatever, which I can toggle back on, if I need to.
France really has gone above and beyond as of late to prove that they hate your privacy.
Rambler wrote
This is what the type of people who left Twitter want, though. They want a circle-jerk where everyone says the same things and no one deviates from the talking points that they've deemed acceptable.
I don't agree with it, but it's what these people wanted.
not_bob wrote
Reply to comment by righttoprivacy in States haven’t stopped spying on their citizens, post-Snowden - they’ve just got sneakier by Rambler
Cloud storage tends to kill this :(
not_bob wrote
Wordpress should not be used by anyone.
righttoprivacy wrote
Reply to comment by z3d in Russia says rebel Wagner chief will move to Belarus, all pardoned by z3d
(as someone admittedly not familiar with Russian politics) I agree his days are likely numbered.
To save face, if nothing else.
not_bob wrote
Reply to comment by righttoprivacy in How You Know Elon Musk Is Trying Very Hard to Get You to Stop Using Twitter by z3d
No doubt. They want to monetize everything everyone does.
This is really a problem.
More so, this is why we need to continue to support networks like I2P that enable a person to do things with privacy.
righttoprivacy wrote
An attack on Nitter..
We are seeing the same form of attack: Reddit API limits, Twitter rate limits - breaking Nitter & now Inividious also has legal letter from YT.
An attack on private searching (to enhance tracking?)
z3d OP wrote
Reply to comment by righttoprivacy in Russia says rebel Wagner chief will move to Belarus, all pardoned by z3d
With most of the soldiers in the war zone, around 10,000 reservists protecting the capital, and very little resistance to the Wagner convoy en route to Moscow, Prigozhin could have made things very ugly for Putin, though it's unlikely he would have captured Moscow for very long, and more than likely that his forces would ultimately have been annihilated.
The more interesting question is why Putin decided to grant him and his forces amnesty. Some suggest Prigozhin retains significant kompromat on Putin and the ruling elite, others suggest that the hero status of Wagner, portrayed in the Russian media until recently, kept him safe.
Whatever the reason for the stay of execution, Prigozhin's days are likely numbered. When he's been totally erased from the collective consciousness of mother Russia, he may just receive a visit from Mr. Novichok or Dr. Polonium.
righttoprivacy wrote
Reply to States haven’t stopped spying on their citizens, post-Snowden - they’ve just got sneakier by Rambler
"new transparency and oversight constraints, together with the growth of encrypted technology, have tilted the balance towards privacy."
Sounds a bit idealistic.
We all should have the basic dignity that is the right to privacy in our homes and personally owned devices (at a minimum).
righttoprivacy wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by Rambler in email exchange in I2P by kitz
I 2nd that. I really dig mail.i2p (as a recent set up).
No issues here with delays (proton - plays fine with it).
Rambler wrote
Reply to I2P+ 2.3.0+ released! by z3d
Upgrading right now!
righttoprivacy wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in French govt. says users of uBlock Origin, Signal etc. are potential terrorists by Rambler
Human autonomy / privacy isn't a threat to anyone... unless that person / power has a thing for totalitarianism. 🙄
righttoprivacy wrote
Personal belief: strategic false flag. I feel it highly unlikely they truly ever planned to "take over Russia". That is most laughable to hear some people believe this - if I'm wrong, howso? I'd like to know what others think.
IMO Putin likely wanted to move his chess pieces into position, while creating confusion.
righttoprivacy wrote
Absolutely vital to stand up for publishers of journalism: precedents like this only put dedicated journalists in fear.
An honest media would stand up for whistleblowers, publishers.
z3d wrote
Reply to comment by kitz in email exchange in I2P by kitz
Which part of "it should be considered defunct, there are no active developers" don't you understand? It's dead, Jim!
kitz OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by z3d in email exchange in I2P by kitz
i2pbote should be considered defunct. No active developers and a huge chunk of less than ideal legacy code.
The fact that there is a problem with the site is quite obvious. I have seen some recent changes from the team in their forks. It looks like the project has some kind of support. Why don't they merge them into the main repository? Perhaps this activity will revive the community.
So what about this point?
not_bob wrote
Reply to Russia Amassing Domestic Surveillance Monitoring For Antiwar Sentiment by righttoprivacy
This is where things like I2P are key. You can't really hide that you are running I2P either, but you can hide what you are doing on the internet. Unlike Signal, Telegram and such. Since your router routes other people's traffic as well.