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Wahaha OP wrote

About that article.. seems like these women simply shouldn't have divorced the guy they already had. Why was divorce made legal anyway. Seems to have only been a major demerit for society.


Kalchaya wrote

I don't think divorce is bad, it's what the feminazis have mutated it into...basically a State sanctioned get-rich-quick scheme for golddiggers!

I would disagree. Those women should of divorced their guy who was obviously way too good for them, and by doing so, the freed guys now have a chance to learn from their mistake, and make better choices in the future. The bitches now have a chance to marry (or just breed with) thugboys...who will treat them as shitty as they treated the ex....a mutually abusive relationship is exactly what such gals deserve.


Wahaha OP wrote

There's a different perspective and that is that girls are basically like dogs. Some call them perpetual children. What it means is that they need someone that keeps them in check: a man.

It's not a coincidence that women are never responsible for anything under feminism and that it's always the nearest guy they blame. There's actually some truth to that.

You might want to read the manual for some insights into this perspective: