Recent comments in /f/Tech
rm_rf wrote
Reply to Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
Thats why you download the videos you like (porn or otherwise). Save bandwidth and just nice to have a copy.
rm_rf wrote
Probably a very strict spam filter.
Can't get spam if you can't get email.
notaspook wrote
Reply to comment by mr4channer in Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
I see motherless is still the same. Was worried for a moment.
mr4channer wrote
Reply to Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
xvideos stays at the top like always
MrBlack wrote
Reply to Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
as part of a crackdown on user-uploaded content after two major payment processors suspended service.
Thats all you need to know.
“This means every piece of Pornhub content is from verified uploaders, a requirement that platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter have yet to institute,”
Are they advocating that non-porn social media require proof of identity to register? That's dumb.
Pornhub appears to have wiped out more than 10 million videos as of this writing.
That's a lot of quality content.
boobs wrote
Reply to Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
this is why i am a hentai man.
Rambler wrote
Considering Google went dark globally today, I'd say the test went well.
santorihelix wrote (edited )
Reply to Darknet search engines/wikis by user123456
Don't mind me, just here to tell you that there is no "the" hidden wiki.
Rambler OP wrote
Reply to comment by trevor in Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight by Rambler
True. I think most people would be filing bankruptcy if hit with an unexpected $72,000 bill.
I guess the lesson learned is that if you're going to sign up for a free trial that requires a credit card, use a pre-paid VISA or use something like a (or similar site) virtual card so you can set the maximum limit.
trevor wrote
Reply to Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight by Rambler
At least it ended in a happy way. Though it's still Google's fault in the first place for allowing the bill to get that high.
trevor OP wrote
Reply to comment by penis in Sizing the AI software market: Not as big as investors expect but still $37 billion by 2025 by trevor
Well yeah, real AI won't exist for a while. But we do have this, so saying that AI doesn't exist and never will is kind of downplaying it. As long as our guns don't become smart machines there's no reason to worry about AI taking over the world.
Nyankawaii wrote
Reply to Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight by Rambler
smh poor man
Rambler wrote (edited )
Reply to Darknet search engines/wikis by user123456
On I2P you can use http://legwork.i2p , it's a very good I2P network search engine.
I'm also in the process of working on a giant list of 'up' sites that I found using http://notbob.i2p/
For Yggdrasil's network, I made this. (Head over to /f/yggdrasil)
MrBlack wrote
FFS. Reddit is becoming more and more cringe everyday.
penis wrote
Reply to Sizing the AI software market: Not as big as investors expect but still $37 billion by 2025 by trevor
Ai doesn't exist and never will. The only AI is programmed. Humans are the only AI. We are far from learning the brain. Also the market is literally gambling, your also putting dollars into banks that use the interest against you. The reason bank sneed that amount of money is bc money doesn't exist and is an artificial scarcity. They ned billionrs, if a billionare gave up the money to give food, the money would be worth much less, and the billonaire is used to create the artificial scarcity, it's like the reservoir. Billionaires cant actually spend an money, they are cuks.
trevor OP wrote
Reply to comment by Rambler in Huawei worked on several surveillance systems promoted to identify ethnicity, documents show by trevor
Well China does what it wants and has no intentions of hiding it. You can even learn how the social credit system works in this video.
Rambler wrote (edited )
Reply to Scientists suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here’s how the weapons work by trevor
These are pretty wide spectrum weapons, right? From what I've read I'm not certain it's possible to narrow it in on an individual and they seem rather large. Not something one could hide, unless the images shown are for demonstration purposes. I'd imagine a box truck with a big dish on top facing an embassy would raise some suspicion and prompt response from some local officials...
Rambler wrote
The part that got me:
When he slipped through the back door of a strip mall, exited through the front door and ran down the sidewalk, it caught that, too.
How? How did they get that, too?
Are they able to narrow down SSID's of mobile devices on-the-fly to possible suspects so they can more easily follow them in a crowd, or if they go into a building and out a distant exit? It simpler facial recognition?
Each drone — including long-distance cameras, other sensors and software — costs the department about $35,000. But the overriding cost of the program lies in the many officers needed to operate the drones.
I'm curious what the "other sensors and software" is. Telephoto lenses and stabilizing gimbals on hobby, home made quadcopters / multi-rotors are nothing new. I was building these some years ago before "drone" was the accepted everyday terminology of a RC multi-rotor. Makes me wonder what they have access to...
Rambler wrote
Reply to Huawei worked on several surveillance systems promoted to identify ethnicity, documents show by trevor
The revelation this week of Huawei’s role in testing artificial-intelligence surveillance technology — including a face-scanning camera system that could send a “Uighur alarm” to police if it detected a member of the minority group.
I'm surprised there isn't as much global outrage over this (and well, a lot of the stuff China does and continues to do with little care from the global community.)
trevor OP wrote
Reply to comment by Space_Toad in Google and Apple are banning technology for sharing users’ location data by trevor
Probably only for apps they don't like, but one can only dream.
Space_Toad wrote
I seriously doubt Google is going to actually cooperate in this.
hideyourlies wrote
Reply to Pornhub just removed most of its videos by Rambler
I can't say I'm surprised with this due to all the problems PH have had the past few weeks.