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25Mbps is still usable IMO. Will need 100Mbps in about 5 years.



Man, I would have loved to have 25Mbps down previously. Used a rural WISP for a long time, until the company stopped offering the ISP part of it's telecom business. Even then, I could only get about 10Mbps down on a good day. Afterwards, was stuck using a 4G Mobile hotspot in an area where 1 bar of service is standard, two if I walk to the edge of the property. Common speeds for that was 2-3Mbps. I could have gotten ViaSat or something else, but the price, bandwidth cap, reviews and speeds made it seem like a no-go.

Finally after over a year of waiting was able to get Starlink, but it's so costly for the speed and service. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather have in-home DSL or something for a quarter of the cost and quarter of the max speed if it was an option here.

This is all within the last few years.

The US is massive and still mostly rural, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to bring fiber to most areas of the country. I feel like you can't drive 100 miles on the interstate without running into some large roadway construction or maintenance project, seems like a good time to build out a larger fiber network and allow ISPs to lease the fiber or something.

And then you have some cities where it's practically ATT and Comcast holding a monopoly on internet, and other cities where there are dozens of small ISPs and multi-gbps fiber to your home or office is an easily accessible and affordable option.


OP wrote

Agreed, this needs to be improved, and monopolies broken up.