Posted by z3d in Tech (edited )

Reddit has taken a drastic step to crush the protests against the social media platform by removing entire moderator teams from several popular subreddits.

By permitting the NSFW content, the subreddits have been trying to undermine Reddit’s ability to generate advertising revenue. That’s because ads are prohibited from appearing in forums that allow NSFW posts.

But in response, Reddit has been moving swiftly to crack down on the protest tactic. The platform has removed the entire volunteer moderator teams for the subreddits including r/interestingasfuck, r/self, r/TIHI (Thanks, I hate it), r/shittylifeprotips, and r/garmin.



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iop23up wrote

Who will get all this homeless reddits? Lemme or ramble? :)


not_bob wrote

I'd like to think that we will get some of the refugees.

This whole reddit thing is a mess.


iop23up wrote

That would be people who like reddit in its form of freedom of speech and people who would like to go (a little bit) further i guess .

But can they handle the ramble? Are you ready to ramble? Ramble in i2p! lol