Posted by awdrifter in Tech

The site was pretty much dead after they pivoted to censorship. But I feel like there may be some other reasons (like the owner got paid off or threatened) behind the scenes that caused the pivot. I guess we'll never know. seems to be where everyone who is looking for an Reddit alt is going.



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Rambler wrote

Encourage them to come here.

The .win community obviously has a more sleek design, but they don't do much in terms of privacy from what I recall. Call me when they allow access through alternative networks and work properly without javascript or 3rd party elements embedded into their site.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

It's simply Ruqqus censorship. Maybe I should've archived the site when they started doing it, but now I'm going to wait until they make Ruqqus read-only, so I can hopefully grab everything as JSON+WARC, maybe images too.


BlackWinnerYoshi wrote

I know about this, and I even learned archiving by it. Also, they included Ruqqus on the Deathwatch, even though it actually died earlier for some reason. I guess we'll just hope the Wayback Machine got most of the data.