Posted by z3d in Politics (edited )

Day after day over the past year we have witnessed the Israeli military commit heinous crimes, bombing hospitals and mosques, slaughtering more children than any other war in recent years and forbidding the entry of humanitarian aid. The commissioner for the UN Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa) has called it “a war on children”.

Although the world is crying out for the horrors to stop, Joe Biden and the US Congress continue to send weapons and money, totaling more than a staggering $18bn since last October.

Everyone has the same question: why is the US – and a Democratic administration at that, which is trying to win an election – still arming Israel when it’s carrying out what the international court of justice (ICJ) has deemed plausible genocide, while violating the US’s own laws?

The Biden administration wants you to believe that the reason they are funding the Israeli military is out of a commitment to Jewish safety. This is the moral cover they use, a cloak for their collaboration in heinous war crimes.

As Jews, we reject this myth with every fiber of our beings. Together, with tens of thousands of American Jews who have spent the last year protesting for an end to the slaughter, we refuse to let our histories, identities and traditions be used as the justification to massacre Palestinians.

The true interest of the US government? Control of the region and is its own financial gain.



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