Posted by 1200bps in Music

...I hope you like it!

To the rest of you: if anyone here has looked at 0n0n's web directory, you might have seen a link to my Navidrome instance. Navidrome is a reimplementation of the Subsonic/Airsonic API for personal music streaming, plus a slick little web UI. I've tried a couple different post-Airsonic clients, and found Navidrome is the best balance of speed and feature set (and it's very actively developed--deluan is a fuckin' rockstar releasing updates every few weeks).

I've been poking around and playing with it since probably October, hosting about a quarter of my library, but I finally got kicked off my ex' Spotify family plan a couple weeks ago, which made me finally bite the bullet and rent some cloud storage to upload my whole library (and start replacing all my lossy files with FLACs, since I have the storage now). It's going well so far! I do honestly miss the Spotify algorithm, and having to go grab a thing off slsk before I can sit down and listen is a bit annoying, but I've already got so much unlistened-to music anyway, it sorta works out. Last night coming home from my parents' I finally put on Live--Blue Universe by Indian Summer, and adored it. Try finding that on Spotify, I dare you :P

Anyway, here's how you can access it:
http://longseason.i2p/music/ (but you'd have to be kinda dumb
to use the web UI on i2p, 'cause it needs JS to run)

I've got about 670 albums/releases on it now, but it's expanding literally every day, and a lot of those releases are things like the Numero rerelease/remaster comp boxes, anyway. I'm not on /mu/, but my ex is, so there's at least a little brain-rotting hipster shit in there, and some relative rareties like Electronic Warfare off UR, and vinyl rips of the early CiM singles (had to use a friend's freeleech tokens for those, lmao). You can download the original files thru the web UI, too! (I'm gonna make the whole directory tree available as an open directory at some point though.)

I thought about framing this as a Christmas gift to the Ygg community, but then realized that would be presumptuous and kinda fuckin' stupid. I'm ultimately running it for me, I just made it public because I just think it's neat. So merry Christmas if y'all celebrate it! And if you don't, enjoy your day off :)



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Rambler wrote (edited )

Dude, I love it. I stream some from the yggdrasil site occasionally. Some good albums on there.

I added it to my Yggdrasil directory and I believe it's on the I2P one as well.

Merry Christmas to you as well and thanks for the music.

EDIT: Jamming out to The Flaming Lips now. Saw them live a few years back and it was a wonderful experience. Things stream well over Yggdrasil and my slow-as-fuck rural commercial wifi internet connection. (C'mon Starlink, let me beta you!)