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Rose wrote (edited )

That just covers the sexuality part.


boobs wrote

is there any other parts? does it also come with an economic, political and religious component or something? what am i missing here?


Rose wrote (edited )

Gender. Straight is usually just to reference sexuality. There is the word "cis" for that but I don't tend to see it used that often outside of specific spaces. Saying non-lgbt was just quicker. Admittedly I was just talking about sexuality there, but you can apply a similar idea to gender.


boobs wrote

pretty sure gender is understood to mean sexuality by everyone and their dog?


Rose wrote

No? Sexuality is the gender you are attracted to. Gender is more of a sense of self thing.


boobs wrote

isn't sexuality a sense of self thing?


Rose wrote

I guess, but gender is a lot more about the self, rather than others.