Posted by PrivacyOsint in I2P
I've been operating my Tor exit nodes for nearly two years without receiving any legal notifications, thanks to my hosting provider, Incognet. They're also the host of this website, and when I inquired about the abuse complaints I was getting, their customer support team told me that they receive a lot of them but generally ignore them. I appreciate Incognet's tolerance in allowing me to continue running my exit nodes. Unlike some other providers who have banned my accounts, Incognet has been accommodating. As a result, my exit nodes account for a significant portion of the entire Tor network. Users have a high chance of connecting through tor exits using my unbound DNS service, which are secure and do not pose a threat to user safety. I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the community in this way. If anyone from Incognet is reading this, I'd love to explore ways to collaborate further and benefit even more people.
Contact: privacyosint@mail.i2p
Check out my website itcomputes.i2p or blog.itcomputes.i2p Free Proxy Services online. Do not abuse them. :)
All services are being worked on. Some are online and offline. Reddit banned my ips..

gmail wrote
I used to file complains... now I get even.