The real issue with Cinch News.
cinchnews.comPosted by burnerben in FreeSpeech
I recently learned about the Cinch News Network. If you've never heard of them they claim to be a "centrist news source" as seen on their webpage (linked). But if you take a scroll through their website you'd see their far from it. As someone who believes strongly in news that doesnt create a narrative and doesnt push a certain opinion or political stance, this pisses me off.
If you look at Cinch's recent donations youd see im not the only one that doesnt like them. But these comments people have made are mostly filled with things such as "Fuck the left fuck antifa fuck blm #Trump2020" and "Trump 2020!! MAGA!! Cinch News is full of deluded, pompous and easily triggered, so called "progressives". If you actually believe any of their drivel you should work on your critical thinking skills." these are direct quotes. But in my opinion these people are upset for the wrong reasons. They are giving into the division the two party system brings. Instead of being mad that the website advertised its self as a "centrist news source" that really just pushes alt-left narratives and views on you. Instead they are simply mad its a liberal publication.
Not only do i dislike the slander of the word "centrist", i dislike the fake news they spread. For example they claim that george washington never existed and instead a black lesbian slave founded america. Anyone with common sense or a basic understanding of American history would be baffled by this statement; and rightfully so. Not only do they make this absurd statement, they provide no such evidence for any claims they include in the narrative they weave. Now i must mention before you take anything ive said to heart, is that this site may in fact be satirical. But i may just be optimistic. If so this may be the funniest thing ive ever seen. If not, it says a lot about what our society has come to. But the more i read, the more i laugh and think it must be a joke. So fingers crossed.
onion wrote
Every article is so dumb that I find it hard to believe it's real, but I'm not sure either.
Advertising itself as a centrist news source isn't something I can get mad about. I don't care what it calls itself. The problem isn't that it's a liberal site either. I'm conservative but I have sympathies for some liberal views. The problem is that this is a certain type of liberal that doesn't care about truth at all and only cares about power. If some race is getting credit for something another race did and you have evidence of that, there's nothing wrong with pointing it out. But how much do you have to hate straight white men to take an admired historical figure and say he was a black lesbian with no proof?