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nobody wrote

Let me present here my opition, not strictly related to "coins" about which you are asking. Instead of trying get get a quick buck, have a look at The Bitcoin Standard book. In more general terms it is like planting a tree: "The Best Time to Plant a Tree was 20 Years Ago. The Second-best Time is Now!"

Anytime someone gets interested in "anycoins" my question is: do you intend to run a node for that network during the time you own anything?

Another important thing to realize is that even the second most popular "crypto" tringy (starting with letter E) had a 72 million pre-mine in its genesis block:

$ torsocks ./
curl is /usr/bin/curl
jq is /usr/bin/jq
Timestamp: 1616268327
premine/total = 60.93400%

This means that more than 60% of this "E*" coin were created out of thin air and no real mining costs may be applied to them. Now imagine all that NFT hype… See the source of above-used script at See also article and feel free to look for the pre-mined transactions in etherscan explorer (or any other which knows about the genesis block on that network).

Live long and prosper!