Posted by cumlord in Coding (edited )

I went back to an older project i forgot about and finished cumbot. Gutted it so it's just the basics with standard python library. So if you were one of the many millions of people looking for a hastily written irc bot that does the job sometimes, look no further


hostname = ''
port = 6667
username = 'bottymcbotface'
password = 'password' 
channels = ['#botschool'] #list of channels to join on connect
throttle = 0.25 #seconds between sending the next message
auth_users = ['username'] #list of nicks to get $admin commands
primary = 'username' #bot sends admin commands to memoserv of the primary user
tr = '$' #first char to trigger commands


  • admin commands: part, join, say, command, kill. Anyone in the auth_users list can do admin commands. It will send memos of commands given to the primary nick's memoserv. Ex: $admin part #drugs did too many and got angry
  • responds to commands in pms or channels, wherever they were sent from send_to = where_to_send(line)
  • has no logic to deal with disconnects
  • colors: {Color.purple}purple text{Color.normal}normal text
  • on login: registers the nick if it doesn't exist, identifies with nickserv, does +B mode, joins channels
  • manly, heterosexual greetings when someone says its name
  • splits long messages so they don't get cut off and throttles message sends
  • replace the $feets and $butts commands with literally anything that's not that

tested on unrealircd and irc2p, use at your own risk with other servers, or in general




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