Posted by nook_ in Coding (edited )

In theory (progress is slow) I am working on a voxel-based game with infinite terrain generation. I have not decided on the gameplay yet but it will feature

  • GPU accelerated procedural terrain generation.. This is already kind of done, it is pretty dang fast but the CPU is still needed for terrain decoration after the terrain has been "shaped" using the compute shader so to speak so that holds it back somewhat.
  • Raytracing (some of the theory about this is difficult for me)
  • Level of detail scaling for very high view distances
  • Infinite world size in all directions including up and down

I am using Rust with the Vulkan API for my rendering engine. I would hope to release this as a full game over I2P, maybe even with I2P multiplayer support. Who knows if I will get that far haha



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