Posted by Rambler in AskRamble (edited )

I'm setting up a simple site that'll allow you to read clearnet RSS feeds from the warmth and comfort of the darknet. Just trying to push more content to these networks and I've not seen a site like this, so thought I'd publish one since it's a neat little script that shouldn't require much maintenance once published.

Basically just an input form where you can enter any clearnet RSS/Atom feed url and it'll print the content out for you so you can read the content from the comfort of whatever network you choose. No sign ups, no captcha, no bullshit. Just a quick and easy way to view content of sites without actually having to visit them.

I want to have a couple pre-made categories under the input field where you can just click a link and it'll show you whatever.

What are some good RSS feeds to have as quick references?

Things related to news, technology, privacy, netsec/opsec, humor, politics, etc.



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