Congress will held a hearing Wednesday on unidentified anomalous phenomena, also known as UAPs. The event featured firsthand accounts of UAPs sightings and assess their possible threat to U.S. national security.
The hearing, titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency” was hosted by the House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs.
- Replay of full hearing:
- Additional details and testimony related to the famous 'tic-tac' incident.
- Statements of known non-human biological life / non-human pilots of crashed crafts.
- Claims of physical injury by "both" UAPs and people within the Federal Government.
EDIT: I'm actually watching the hearing now. Some recaps as I hear them.
- Statement that sightings are common and frequent (Navy, Airforce, other branches)
- Description of objects observed. (Two F18 Superhornet's being 'split' by a UAP during a training mission. Described as a dark grey or black cube inside of a clear sphere)
- Sighting of UAPs became a regular part of pre-flight briefs
- Transparency is needed for national security, but also for scientific and engineering research.
- Mentioning of a UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program.
- Objects being under observation for weeks at a time "Coming down from about 80,000 feet, descending rapidly to about 20,000 feet where they'd suspend for hours and then go straight back. For those who don't know, 80,000 feet is space." (Paraphrasing CDR. Fravor)
- "We noticed some whitewater ... calm day, no white capped waves, perfect weather ... so the whitewater stood out in the bright blue ocean. ... We looked down and observed a white tic-tac object moving very abruptly over the water ... As we got within about half a mile of it, it rapidly accelerated in front of us and disappeared ... We turned to where the white water was and it was gone as well ... So as we began to turn back towards the east, the thing appeared 60 miles away in less than a minute... you can calculate the speed" (Paraphrasing CDR. Fravor)
- "We returned and mentioned it to the crews ready to launch and they went out and got that video that you see, the 90 second video. What you don't see is the radar tape that was never released and we don't know where it's at or the active jamming that the object put on. [Continues to discuss how no interviews were taken, no investigation made until 2009]" (Paraphrasing CDR. Fravor)
- "The tictac object encountered in 2004 was far superior to any technology we had at the time, have today or have the technology to develop in the next ten years"
- A lot of answers cant' be given publicly, but can in a closed or private session due to classification levels.
- Discussion of how and what data to collect (eye witness report, sensor data, radar data, other instrument data). Current reporting is limited, and may include only eye witness reporting with no effort made to also collect available sensor, radar or other data). Reducing stigma from the military to report sightings.
- Certain videos and evidence COULD be released to the public, according to Mr. Grusch, so long as some data is masked from the recording.
- Complaints of over-classifying and abuse of the classification system to bury evidence and make it difficult for members of Congress and the American people to obtain access. Some examples given.
What do you all think?
NapkinBlizzard wrote (edited )
I think this is huge news, but I'm surprised that not many people seem to care or just brush it off because there's no smoking gun (authentic videos, photos, etc.). The best we have are the Navy videos that the Pentagon released a while back.
If you want to dive into the rabbit hole, here are some stories from people who have supposedly worked on these retrieval programs:
I wouldn't be surprised if people like this now start to come forward to Congress. Ross Coulthart seems to know of others that want to talk.
Some of the implications of this shit is scary as hell and I don't think our governments will use any of this technology to "help people" or "advance the human race". They just use it to build better bombs and craft to kill "the other guy" (China, Russia, etc.).