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Rambler OP wrote

After some mediocre debate involving the creator of the software that powers this website and her lack of support of free speech I figured I'd ask the community here what they thought. After all, this is your community.

While the main topics of discussion here stem around technology, privacy, information sharing and anonymity networks I also don't believe in stifling speech so long as it's in the appropriate, user created forum.

I'm working on a bunch of wiki content as well, and I'll go into detail as to how you can block both a forum and it's content as well as specific members of your choosing from your view. This way, if you have a moral objection to the content of any forum(s) or member(s) you can erase them from your existence here and carry on as if they do not exist, because to you, they will not.

But hey, that's just my take on it. What's yours?


nyaa wrote

free speech = getting human audiences and killing bots! :D


boobs wrote

bots are not human and do not have natural rights so they are exempt from free speech.