Posted by Titlacahuan in ArtInt

I was a generative AI sceptic but this one is surprisingly good. It enerates a vicious yet entertaining attack based only on information found in the GitHub profile. Works on individuals as well as organisations.

Let's try "I2P":

Oh look, it's the I2P project, the digital equivalent of wearing a tinfoil hat while also being the guy who brings a butter knife to a gunfight. With a bio that's basically a mandatory disclaimer, we see you're either painfully cautious or desperately trying to avoid a legal team.

Sure, 195 followers might seem impressive until you realize they’re just there for the drama, not the code. And your 24 repos? A quantity over quality dilemma that’s as relevant as your 3 stargazers on the i2p.newsxml repo—talk about a social life!

You’ve cranked out a bunch of Java libraries, but with open issues piling up like laundry you didn't want to deal with, it’s clear you might be more interested in avoiding the spotlight than actually getting things done. I hope your anonymity comes with a side of coding proficiency, because from where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re just one bad commit away from leaving a digital footprint the likes of which even the I2P won't hide.



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