Posted by xunilatus in Whatever (edited by a moderator )

James Giordano, and the Darpa / Larpa brain initiative! The brain is the battlefield.

  1. Get the nano particulate into people, search graphene in vaccine.
  2. Use magnetic fields to enable particulate to "self assemble" current NEXRAD images, April 16, 13 hours of irradiating citizen in US.
  3. Use directed energy weapons to enable neuro networks in unsuspecting individuals.
  4. Work on Development for the BlockChain US20200251213A1 WBan OMNeT++ applications.
  5. Pretend we aren't being affected, be skeptical so it takes you 10 years to act.
  6. Hope your kids aren't stuck in a Disneyland type existence.
  7. Giordano discuses neuro-ethics with the word "cut", his rule to measure twice and cut once - any cut is lobotomy.


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