Revisiting the Zuiyo-maru "Sea Monster"
discover.hubpages.comFew people realize this, but the ocean is a mysterious place. We probably know more about the surface of Mars than what is going on in that great abyss. We have gone a long way since early sea explorers bring back stories of voyages in the world’s end, and how they encounter monstrous creatures along the way. Even today at the age of great scientific discoveries, our knowledge of our bodies of water is still inadequate. A friend once joked that all he knows about what lives there were limited to sea foods.
With that said, we can’t blame the land dwellers if they freaked out upon seeing deep sea dwellers making a visit to the surface. Those vast unexplored regions of the ocean may harbor some yet to be known creatures, as what the sightings of megamouth sharks showed us. And when wild imaginations got mixed with lack of knowledge, we may perceive any peculiar shapes swimming in the ocean as monstrous.