Thai Artist Bakes Bread Shaped as Severed Body Parts
discover.hubpages.comYou think you have a strong stomach? You think you aren’t squeamish? In my case, I don’t claim that my digestive system is cast iron. I do have strong preferences on rare or raw meat, much to the displeasure of my friends. I won’t also say no to exotic food. Bring in the offal, the animal body parts or the deep-fried bugs. I don’t mind. But there are stuffs out there that could make me puke, no matter how well prepared it is. As in the case of a bakery somewhere in Thailand. You may understand my disgust here or laugh at my sensitivity. But believe it or not, you could taste human body parts in that said bakery. You may choose your choice of appendages, from limbs, to head. But before you rush to the nearest Interpol station or organize a mob to lynch whoever came up with this, do calm down because those were not real.