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BlueHat wrote (edited )

Very controversial article. It was posted multiple times on reddit where it got heavily criticized. Here are some threads I found ranged from most discussed to least.





It was also submitted to HN but didn't gain much attention.

Related discussion on raddle, which was apparently forked from this 4chan thread


GadgeteerZA wrote

Yes it is interesting... What I really detest though are people who speculate something controversial without any actual evidence. Dots often are connected where there is actually no thread. Of course ANYTHING (literally) is possible, but I like to see why exactly and what was found. What some present as "evidence" is too flimsy.

Take just providing information to the Swiss authorities - of course any legal organisation will have to state that, but they require formal warrants, and they can only provide what they have. It does not mean they can actually decrypt the contents of your mail and provide it. Which is why many organisations prefer to have as little access as possible, and not be able to decrypt information. Outside of the USA, Russia, and China, most countries legally do not allow fishing expeditions by the authorities to just see what they can fine, there has to be something of legal substance against an identified individual.

I look rather at examples like Facebook's Cambridge Analytica - broadly reported with the evidence found to actual events and outcomes. That was one of the vents that made me leave Facebook altogether. WhatsApps' terms and conditions that stated they would share my metadata to Facebook as well as their 3rd party partners - I ledt WhatsApp.

I'm certainly going to keep an eye open anything that does develop around ProtonMail though, and see if anything in that report actually gains traction.