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spektor wrote

I cannot justify spending any money on games or Xbox game pass scenarios these days. All of that falls under "disposable income" and I have hardly any of that due to socio-political factors outside my control. Hence, my opinion is it is a waste of money and you are getting a negative experience because it is a waste of money.

However, when I used to have disposable income due to socio-political factors again not under my control, and I did game, and did get on networks like Xbox, there was always a division between people who gamed for the love of gaming versus people who gamed to try to impress people or else somehow made money off of gaming. Most modern gaming has gotten entirely away from gaming for the love/fun of gaming and gotten into franchising and "being the best" and a bunch of other shit that really was never exactly the core of gaming other than maybe getting the "high score" or something.

So, the joy is all "Drained out of it" and that's partly due to money, and so I'd say probably that is why you are feeling pissed off about the experience.