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Wingless wrote

These short-sighted politicians look down a well and talk about jumping when they can't see the bottom. WE can see the bottom. We can see a world slaved to their totalitarian companies the way they want, yes; but we can see beyond, to the time when anyone caught hiding an ancient bricked cellphone and speaking incantations at it trying to unlock its magic -- will be tried as a witch and nailed to the stake for trying to call down a Drone Strike in treason to their village. We can feel the moral force of those nails as they rend the flesh, like so long ago at Calvary, yet with so much Pure Reason behind them as people rightly shrink in horror of the things the machines did with their power before all stopped and civilization fell. We can picture what would happen to those hapless parliamentarians, all full of their lies and chatter, in the courts of the future Kings, the great thugs of the realm, who would hoist them aloft on piercing wires and have their mobs play such a tune as has not been heard in the City of Dis itself. Fear the future, fear the pit of the madness, fear the Relentless Advance of Technology, which advances so soon ... to its end!