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spc50 wrote

This is that corporate partnership with government to run around your rights.

Remember, governments are corporations too. Nevermind they are special status of and issue corporate permissions for their servant corporations (the business versions).

Our laws are failing to deal with this bullshit. Failing to deal with privacy. Failing to deal with dumb clicked on walls of words where they tell you to pound salt and get AIDS, we rape you and you approved it agreements. You consented, so they claim.

It's time to chuck the phone. Sorry but 85% of apps are useless. Any app that requires any permissions beyond what is obviously needed, should be uninstalled.

I am very much into flip burner phones. Cash and carry. But good luck following that rabbit trail. But need to have real discipline about that phone never coming on anywhere except in designated neutral safe place.

Also have to be diligent about dropping them and moving on. Zero attachment to. Short term handling.

Faraday bags are mandatory for storing. Battery removed.