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smartypants wrote (edited )

Brave Browser Was Exposing Addresses in Tor Mode for Months:

What about .Zil?

I PREDICT IT HAS AN EXACT SIMILAR and just as scary leak out to DNS of addresses that use .zil secure private psuedo-TLD!

.zil leaks to DNS of ISP?

Blockchain Domain Names, No Renewal Fees, Ever. your name record on a Zilliqa BLOCKCHAIN revocable only by you, and auto converted to full URL of your preference via a small open source addon to all main browsers, that resolves .zil addresses

for example

ramble.zil might map to

but this buggy brave browser might accidentally , if broswer extension missing or turned off, REVEAL TO FEDS that you tied to go to "ramble.zil" because the same fuctards sending onion urls to DNS leaking your actions to feds, will now also send any clicked links that go to a.zil address to try and resolve a .zil at your ISPs DNS


Feb 8 2021 : How to resolve .zil domain names :

Sites for privacy will all soon offer an alternative url using a .zil to redirect to CURRENT preferred net address... even if a raw IP and port on a anti-DDOS service site.

.zil is the future of free speech and unstoppable domains, and i bet brave bug merely hard compares the word ".onion" and will now leak ".zil", just like the bug a few days ago.

fucktard coding.

PD. Also rambler :

read that last tutorial link and actually create a record you control for for "ramble.zil" before the ADL or SPLC subverts you and makes one first.