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geogo wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted152 in by GaryThePedosexual

How is being gay/bi/ts/ps extremist?


GaryThePedosexual OP wrote

They want to silence our perspectives because they're intolerant hatemongers.


[deleted] wrote


GaryThePedosexual OP wrote

I strongly object to this discrimination.


[deleted] wrote


GaryThePedosexual OP wrote

Of pedosexuals by adultphiles.


[deleted] wrote


GaryThePedosexual OP wrote

You're deliberately trying to exclude me from being in public and trying to hide me where my ideas can't be heard. I think it's clear who the one trolling is here...


[deleted] wrote


BasedHitler wrote

I was with you when you wanted to censor the pedos but you can't censor people for our political ideology, wtf?